How to claim the First Instalment of a Salary Grant(s) under the Priming & Business Expansion Grants.
- A letter of offer for the grant award will have been sent to you along with conditions attached.
- You will have been giving 30 days from the date of letter of offer to accept your grant offer and where necessary to also submit new supplier set up forms.
- Upon receipt of your Form of Acceptance of your grant offer you can then proceed to claim your first 50% instalment of your grant approved salary grant(s) of a max. of €7,500
- SALARY grants are up to a maximum of €15,000, and are paid in two Instalments of 50% of the total award at two stages.
Please note:
- ONLY online COMPLETE claims submitted through our online claim system will be reviewed.
- We are no longer accepting PDF claims submitted by email or post.